Mini Minors parking at Brookland School

Please walk to Mini Minors where possible

We strongly advise walking to camp each morning and evening. If this is not possible please park as far away from the main entrance as possible

No Car Access inside Brookland School

For the safety of our camps and staff and due to logistics you are not able to bring cars into the school.

Mini Minors camp parking at Brookland school

Voluntary One Way System

Mini Minors camp parking at Brookland school

We understand that you may need to drive to camp in some circumstances.

Should you need to bring your car, we ask that you support the voluntary one way system which has been in operation for many years during morning and afternoon drop off times.

Please see the map for further details.

Code of Conduct for Delivery and Collection of Children

  1. No unauthorised / parent / carer vehicles are allowed on the school premises.
  2. A voluntary one-way system operates on Brookland Rise and Brookland Hill that goes in a clockwise direction for the periods of delivery and collection of children
  3. Children and parents/carers, where possible, should improve the general environment by walking
  4. Parents/carers should not park immediately outside the school gates but try to park further away and walk their children to camp
  5. Parents/carers should park for as short a period as possible
  6. Parents/carers should not park on the yellow zig zag lines and try to avoid parking close to or on the corners of Brookland Hill
  7. Parents/carers should improve the general environment by sharing cars and operating rotas when delivering and collecting children
  8. Cars must not park on grass verges or pavements at any time
  9. Cars must not be parked across residents’ driveways at any time
  10. Parents/carers should put the safety of the children first and consider the problems of local residents when collecting and delivering children
  11. Parents/carers should only use the main entrance on Hill Top to access camp